They’re here!

More fantastic news from the New Jersey Audubon quail project!

From their blog:

…13 of 14 eggs at one of the 6 active nests [have] hatched at the Pine Island Cranberry study site, the first wild hatched quail in the NJ Pinelands in nearly 3 decades!…NJ Audubon project researcher, Kaili Stevens, a graduate student from the University of Delaware, who have been monitoring survival and movement of the released wild quail through radio-telemetry discovered the hatched eggs on June 22nd. Chicks were confirmed hiding in the vegetation near the nest!!

quail hatch

Work continues at the release sites, monitoring for predators as well tracking the parents and checking on the babies! Everyone at Pine Island is excited to see the project taking wing (so to speak), and are looking forward to even better future results!